Cultural and Heritage Collections

The Cultural and Heritage Collections are located on the second floor of the library.
Open Hours:
Mon - Fri from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
These extensive collections include materials on the state of Alabama,
county and city histories and family histories in book, file, and film.
The Special Collection includes:
Owen’s History of Alabama
Dictionary of Alabama Biographies
The Alabama Review
Alabama Historical Quarterly
The Five Hundred Years of Baldwin County [film series]
The Local History Collection includes:
Publications about Baldwin County
Microfilm of local newspapers as early as 1897
Baldwin County History files begun by local historian and author Doris Rich of Magnolia Springs, Alabama
The Overton Collection
Family Histories
Cookbook collection, many no longer in print
The FOLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY is the depository for the Baldwin County Genealogical Society’s research materials in the Genealogy Collection which covers all states, countries, and ethnic groups This collection includes:
4500+ genealogy books, quarterlies, periodicals
800+ rolls of microfilms of censuses, newspapers, courthouse, congressional, Native American resources
3000+ microfiche, also map collection and CDs, for researching throughout the United States and other countries
Microfilm/fiche reader/printer
Internet access with Library Edition [Also available on all public access computers in the library] and HeritageQuest [Available in the library and at home for those with Foley Public Library Cards.]
The Obituary File begun in 1988 with obits with Baldwin County ties
Various Family Files
Extensive Family History collection
Heritage of Alabama series [All 67 counties]
Cemetery records for Baldwin County and much, much more.
Helpful History & Genealogy Links